Suburban Animal Hospital

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Hours of Operation:
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Separate Dog & Cat Waiting Rooms

Cat and Dog Rolling in Grass

Pet Dental Care in Roseville, MN

You’ve probably been told throughout your life that it’s important for you to take care of your teeth, but did you know it’s important for your pet as well? Our pet dental care in Roseville, MN, helps your pet avoid dental disease and maintain oral health and comfort. Since dental diseases can lead to other complications, it’s best to always include dental health as a part of your pet’s wellness care.

 Our pet teeth cleaning service operates mostly on a preventative basis, keeping the gums and teeth strong and tartar-free. However, we also offer exams and some treatments if there’s already a problem. These can range from dental X-rays to tooth extractions and periodontal treatment. An annual checkup is critical to prevent issues like broken teeth and periodontal disease, which can even develop at younger ages.

 By bringing your pet to us for dog or cat teeth cleaning, regular vaccinations [link to Vaccinations], and wellness checkups, you can be sure that your pet will be happy and healthy for many long years. Get in touch with our friendly and dedicated staff to schedule an appointment with our skilled veterinary staff.

How To Know When You Need Pet Teeth Cleaning

If your pet has a dental problem, you may notice signs such as decreased appetite or dropping food, marked odor to breath, bleeding from the mouth, or reddened gums. Any of these signs indicates the need for a veterinary evaluation. We advise you to be careful when checking your pet’s mouth, as pain can cause animals to bite. There are many reasons why pet dental care is so important. Some other symptoms of a need for dental work are:

  • Bad Breath
  • Change In Eating Habits
  • Increased Urination and Drinking
  • Lethargy
  • Tartar On Teeth
  • Red Gums
  • Fractured teeth

Cat with Blue Eyes

The Importance of Caring for Your Pet’s Teeth

Most humans regularly visit their dentist, brush their teeth twice a day, floss, and use mouthwash. We know that failing to perform these basic dental care routines often results in toothaches, cavities, bad breath, and discolored teeth. Just like humans, dogs and cats can suffer from many of the same symptoms if their teeth are not properly cared for. By visiting our clinic for regularly scheduled cat and dog teeth cleaning and checkups, you can help your pet live a long and comfortable life.

Aside from pain and bad breath, poor dental care can even lead to more serious health concerns like tooth and gum infections, heart and kidney problems, periodontal disease, and tooth loss. An easy way to keep your pet’s teeth clean in between vet visits is to use special pet toothbrushes, teeth-strengthening water additives, or chew treats designed to clean plaque from the teeth.

Contact us to schedule a pet dental checkup with our clinic. We are proudly located in Roseville, Minnesota.

Inside the Clinic:

Annual dental cleanings (Dental Prophylaxis) are recommended on an annual basis to prevent tooth decay, gum diseases, and avoidable extractions. One of the most noticeable things that regular dental cleanings do is keep your pet’s mouth pain-free. Dogs and cats frequently show signs of oral pain when it becomes uncomfortable to eat, drink, or chew on toys, bones, or treats. Other common signs of dental issues include foul breath and visible tooth abscesses. If these signs are shown in your pet, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a dental consultation.

In addition to preventing oral discomfort, routine cleanings can prevent whole-body issues such as heart, liver, and kidney disease along with anorexia, and lethargy. A build-up of dental plaque and its associated bacteria can cross into the bloodstream leading to larger problems like these down the road if not managed early on.

Because we feel so strongly that pets should get a dental cleaning annually, we do offer a 10% discount if done within 18 months of their last cleaning at our clinic, so please don’t wait for dental plaque to build up and cause future problems when it can be easily prevented.

Oravet: A daily dental chew that uses a manual scrubbing action to scrape tarter and uses delmopinol to block the development of plaque and tarter.


At Home:

In between cleanings, a lot can be done on your part at home when it comes to maintaining good oral health in your pet. We highly recommend routine teeth brushing every night with your dog or cat to prevent dental tartar. If you’re new to brushing your pet’s teeth, you can always start with just your finger with a little bit of toothpaste and slowly work your way up to a toothbrush once you and your pet get accustomed.

In addition to regular teeth brushing, dental treats and food are great ways to supplement your dog’s oral health. Two products that we recommend and carry in our clinic for this are Oravet and Hill’s T/D dry food.

T/D: has a larger fiber matrix that reduces crumbling and created a mechanical action that scrubs the teeth of plaque. Can be given as a complete diet or used as a supplement or training treats!

Hill's Prescription Food Dental Health